What should be in a college essay
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Electron Microscope Essay Example For Students
Electron Microscope Essay The electron magnifying instrument, instrument that delivered the principal amplified picture demonstrating three-dimensional and exceptionally amplified picture of a little item. It coordinates a light emission as opposed to light through an example. The light emission is made from an electron firearm. This shaft at that point goes through the length of the magnifying instrument chamber, which contains the focal points, the example chamber, and the picture recording framework. Two sorts of electron focal points are utilized, electrostatic and electromagnetic. They make electric and electromagnetic fields to both concentrate and move the shaft. The electron magnifying instrument necessitates that the electron shaft be in a vacuum, since electrons can't go far in air at air pressure. Siphons void the section and example office of the electron magnifying instrument. Living examples can't be analyzed with an electron magnifying instrument, since they won't make due in a vacuum. The amplification in attractive electron magnifying lens is dictated by the quality of the flow going through the electric and electromagnetic focal point curls. Changing the current through the target focal point curl centers the picture. In the optical magnifying lens the picture is controlled by ingestion of light by the example; in the electron magnifying instrument the picture results from a dissipating of electrons by iotas of the example. Since a molecule, with a high nuclear number, have a bigger number of electrons than a light iota, it seems darker. As the pillar goes through an example, each little contrasts in the structure of the example causes a variety in the electron stream. The picture delivered is then anticipated onto a fluorescent screen or recorded on film. The electron magnifying instrument, with its huge settling power, can amplify examples more than multiple times.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Galileo Essay Essay Example
Galileo Essay Galileo Galilei. a widely acclaimed physicist. was conceived in Pisa. Italy on February 15. 1564. He was the most established of seven children. His male parent was a performer and fleece bargainer. who needed his kid to break down clinical strength as there was more cash in clinical claim to fame. At age eleven. Galileo was sent off to investigate in a Jesuit religious community. After four mature ages. Galileo had reported to his male parent that he needed to be an ascetic. This was non exactly what male parent had in head. so Galileo was quickly pulled back from the religious community. In 1581. at 17 years old. he entered the University of Pisa to break down clinical forte. as his male parent wished yet neer finished it on account of his intense inclusion in science and convention. We will compose a custom article test on Galileo Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Galileo Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Galileo Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer At age 20. Galileo saw a light singing overhead while he was in a house of God. Inquisitive to occur out to what extent it took the light to swing to and fro. he utilized his throb to cut huge and little swings. Galileo found something that no 1 else had ever figured it out. which was the time of each swing was absolutely the equivalent. The law of the pendulum. which would at last be utilized to balance redstem storksbills. made Galileo Galilei promptly celebrated. In 1592. he was delegated to the spot of a mathematician at the University of Padua and it was during his clasp. he started his work on the telescope. While in Padua. he met Marina Gamba and in 1600 their young lady Virginia was conceived. In 1601 they had another young lady Livia and in 1606 a kid Vincenzo. Galileo’s inquire about was had practical experience in the signal of slanted planes. motion of the pendulum and the signal of unreservedly falling natural structures. He is known for his revelation finds furthermore his questionable convictions which took into account a progressively current and useful logical control. Galileo was the main individual to coordinate a refractile telescope out into the dull sky and he chose to dissect the Moon. Probably the biggest find was that there were four Moons rotating Jupiter. Another of Galileo’s perceptions through his telescope was that the planet Venus experienced stage modifications like our Moon. Galileo had seen that the noticeable size of Venus as observed through his telescope is identified with the spot of the planet connection to the Sun. This perception had pushed Galileo to accept that the Earth and different planets needed to go around the Sun or it would non be executable for Venus to hold a phase adjustment. This i s known as the Copernican System. For Galileo Galilei. expressing that the Earth circumvented the Sun made a huge difference since he was beliing the directions of the Church. While a portion of the Church’s mathematicians composed that his perceptions were unmistakably right. numerous individuals from the Church accepted that he should be wrong and blamed him for executing â€Å"heresy†. which was an extremely genuine undertaking. In any case. Galileo was discovered unpracticed individual everything being equal yet was forewarned non to gain proficiency with the Copernican System. In 1634. while Galileo was under house anxiety. his young lady. Virginia passed on. At this clasp he started take a shot at his finishing up book. Talks and Mathematical Demonstrations refering Two New Sciences. This book was pirated out of Italy and distributed in Holland. Galileo kicked the bucket from the get-go in 1642. Because of his solid conviction. he was covered unclearly in 1737.
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Mobile Cloud Computing Security - 1650 Words
Mobile Cloud Computing Security (Thesis Proposal Sample) Content: Mobile Cloud Computing SecurityStudent namesUniversityTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc416824148 \h 3Acronyms PAGEREF _Toc416824149 \h 41.0 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc416824150 \h 51.1 Problem definition PAGEREF _Toc416824151 \h 61.1.1 Consuming Web Services (WS) from Mobile Clients PAGEREF _Toc416824152 \h 61.2 Objective of this Thesis proposal PAGEREF _Toc416824153 \h 71.3 Aims of the Study PAGEREF _Toc416824154 \h 72.0 Initial Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc416824155 \h 82.1 Characteristics of Cloud Computing PAGEREF _Toc416824156 \h 82.2 Mobile Web Services (MWS) PAGEREF _Toc416824157 \h 92.3 Middleware for Mobil Device PAGEREF _Toc416824158 \h 103.0 Methodology PAGEREF _Toc416824159 \h 113.1 Research framework PAGEREF _Toc416824160 \h 113.2 Proposed design for Mobile Client and Cloud Middleware PAGEREF _Toc416824161 \h 123.3 proposed Cloud Central Security platform PAGEREF _Toc416824162 \h 134.0 Implementation and discussion PAGEREF _Toc4 16824163 \h 14Reference list PAGEREF _Toc416824164 \h 14AbstractThe cloud portents a fresh era of computing where there is unlimited providence of application services within the network. Cloud computing offers the capability to satisfy growing business requirements. Furthermore, the cloud architecture facilitates the sharing of application and data from anywhere at any time. However, the daunting barrier that prevents organizations from adopting cloud computing is their concern for the security of the data placed in the cloud. In the IT sector, cloud computing has proven and continues to prove its capacity as an emerging paradigm which facilitates fresh business sculpts for institutions to utilize software, hardware and application resources devoid of upfront investment. With the current investment in the IT sector, specialists in this industry have enhanced in cloud computing to facilitate mobile applications of the same, to come up with MCC (mobile cloud computing). MCC facilitat es a platform where users utilize cloud services on their mobile gadgets. Such usage of MCC diminishes the compatibility, performance and deficient of resources issues within the environment of mobile computing. Regardless of all these efforts, MCC users are still below expectations due to the allied risks in terms of privacy and security. It is such risks and hitches that play significant role in drawing back the rate of MCC adaptation by organizations within the sector. Due to this predicament, a vast amount of probe has been engaged by different scholars and researchers in identifying any possible measures that can be engaged to end this challenge. Consequently, this paper presents a proposal that intends identify such security issues, discuss them and finally provide a suitable solution to them. This paper intends to accomplish its objective and aims thorough a thorough review of related literature and a proposed methodology.AcronymsCP Cloud PlatformsCS Cloud ServicesDC Distributed ComputingMCC Mobile Cloud ComputingMOM Message Oriented ModelMWS Mobile Web ServicesPaaS Platform as a ServicePOM Policy Oriented ModelIaaS Infrastructure-as-a-ServiceSaaS Software-as-a-Service1.0 IntroductionFrom a definition perspective, cloud computing is identified as "an up-and-coming computer paradigm where services and data reside in intensively scalable data hubs in the cloud and can be retrieved from any connected systems over the internet" (Nandkishor et al. 2012). Cloud computingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s central concept is quite simple, that the numerous computing services and resources that users need will exist somewhere within cloud of computers where individual users can connect and utilize of them when need arises.Computing can be expressed as any activity of utilizing creating computer software and hardware. Regardless of the above amazing merits of cloud computing, its security is a major issue. With reference to a previous survey conducted and published by IDC (International Data Co rporation) in 2009, it is worthy stipulating that privacy and security hitches are the key setbacks experienced by institutions embracing adaptation of cloud computing (Opovi and Hocenski, 2010). Another survey indicated that above 70% of CTOs (Chief technology officers) depicted their concerns regarding data privacy and security related issues within cloud computing context (Chen and Zhao, 2012). This thesis proposal intends to formulate a MCC (mobile cloud computing) design which embraces Cloud-hosted middleware (software) to aid mobile users consuming Cloud Services. This design facilitates Client-WS interface as well as facilitating individual service mashup policy for the users.1.1 Problem definition1.1.1 Consuming Web Services (WS) from Mobile ClientsFor mobile users, consumption of web services is far much diverse in comparison to theConsuming WS from a mobile client (see figure 2.4) is different compared to the typical WS setting due to a number of factors such as: * Limited resources of mobile devices, such as screen size, CPU power, RAM capacity * The interaction between server and client is conveyed though a cell network(wireless) * Past Cloudà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s WS do not sustain mobile users/clientsWith respect to the above assertion, this thesis proposal identifies three problems in MCC and intends to come up with a probable solution to them. These challenges include: 1 Loss of connection:Due to the wireless nature of interaction between the user and server, there occurs disconnection from network hence hindering a stable connection, which results to failure of data delivery. 2 Bandwidth/Latency:It is evident that mobile phones are regularly billed with respect to the total data consumed or transferred, which is an impact of their limited bandwidth. Unfortunately, even a plain Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) text incorporates a vast chunk of XML (Extensible Markup Language) data, which leads to plenty bandwidth consumption and resulting to network l atency due to transmissions hitches. 3 Limited resourcesMobile users tend to exhibit limited power of processor, hence creating low level of data processing within mobile users.1.2 Objective of this Thesis proposalThis thesis proposal intends to formulate a MCC (mobile cloud computing) design which embraces Cloud-hosted middleware (software) to aid mobile users consuming Cloud Services. This design facilitates Client-WS interface as well as facilitating individual service mashup policy for the users.1.3 Aims of the Study * To reduce incurred cost by users of mobile cloud computing * To facilitate a steady connection between mobile users and the Cloud * To employ Cloud platform as a criterion of advanced reliability and scalability of the middleware * To facilitate a service mashup policy for clients (mobile users)2.0 Initial Literature ReviewThis chapter intends to scrutinize the current and past literature relating to the topic under study. The literature to be reviewed will mainly target the following areas: * Mobile Web Services * The interface between WS and mobile gadgets * Middleware for sustaining mobile users * Characteristics of Cloud Computing2.1 Characteristics of Cloud ComputingNandkishor et al. 2012 identify a number of cloud characteristics such as self healing, multi-tenancy, linearly scalable, service oriented, SLA driven, virtualized, and flexible. On self healing, the researchers argue that any application running within an environment of cloud computing has the adaptability of self healing (Nandkishor et al. 2012). Where a hitch or failure occurs, there is another backup application standing by to take into action immediately. On multi-tenancy, the authors depict that the application allows multiple users to share allocated infrastructure without any of the users realizing. Cloud computing is termed linearly scalable in the sense that the application is capacitated to fragment the workload hence deal with separate fragments of processes (Na ndkishor et al. 2012).2.2 Mobile Web Services (MWS)Farley and Cap (2005) define MWS as "the mobile service client as well as to WS in the mobile environment" (p.213). The discharge of novel mobile designs enhances the achievability of Mobile Web Services. A study conducted by Oliver (2008) assessed the level of adaptability to mobile network by the current mobile platforms and brands including BlackBerry, Windows mobile, Android, Symbian(S60) and iPhone. With reference to the above survey, all the listed brand platforms entail certain hitches and limitations. For instance, it was noted that Android version 1.0 lacked Bluetooth heaps and the capacity to access network interfaces programmatically, which is rectified in version 2.0 of Android.Tian et al. (2004) came up with a design to increase performance with vibrant compre...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Iliad’s Dilemmas with the Definition Piety - 846 Words
There are many various ways that a person can define and analyze piety. In Plato’s dialogue, Euthyphro presented many possible definitions for the word piety. One definition that Euthyphro showed was that piety is learning how to please the gods in words and deeds such as in prayers and sacrifices (p. 70). By this he means that piety is a business between humans and gods or vise versa. However, one can interpret that after reading book one, six, and seven of The Iliad by Homer, that there are dilemmas that are associated with this definition. The three examples that shows this are: In book one, when Homer mentioned the communication between Achilles and Athene, in book six, which explained the exchange that was made by the woman of troy to Athene and in book 7, where the Achaians did not sacrifice anything to Zeus. The communication between Achilles and Athene shows a problem with the chosen definition of piety. This is depicted in book one when Achilles becomes enraged and wanted to kill Agamemnon because he threaten to take Brassies, a woman that was detained and presented to Achilles during the Trojan War, as a war prize. However, Athene stops him and she was able to prevent him from killing Agamemnon. Athene was capable of doing so because she promises Achilles that he will be honorably rewarded for. This is shown when Athene implied that â€Å"some day three times over such shining gifts shall be given you by reason of this outrage. Hold your hand then, and obey us†(p.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Map Reduce On A Distributed Environment Readily And...
Abstract: This is a project to demonstrate how Map Reduce in a distributed environment readily and easily allows us to take several measurements that describe the empirical data and to answer several questions like, for example, stars that are like our sun, and how many Earth-like planets have been observed. This project has been done as part of the coursework for the course Distributed Computing. After applying the Map Reduce and Hadoop techniques to the planetary database, and to the star database, we realize that bringing a large dataset into a tidy and insightful categorization is made easy using Map Reduce. It also shows the power, and elegance of map-reduce in the realm of astronomy and the physical sciences. Introduction: Astronomy, is a fascinating area of the science where most of the information is unknown. We have been seeing stars since time immemorial. And most of us must have thought about, if living beings like on earth, present out of our universe. We know that there are stars, planets, galaxies like the ones where earth is part of. The immediate question that raises is whether there is any planet like earth, any star like sun. In recent times, there has been tremendous advancements in the study of space and the data that is received in some form, from the satellites is huge. There are new discoveries, new findings about the planets and stars that were unknown to the world. The satellites send data day by day and the research is going on in finding someShow MoreRelatedSoftware Defined Networks : Cloud Administrations1746 Words  | 7 Pagesplane and management plane. It focuses on the separation of control plane from the data plane. By separating the control logic out from the switch we are able to use a centralized controller that can view and control the network and routing. SDN gives us a more programmable and customize freedom to the network. 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Contemporary Accounting Issues Legitimation Strategies
Question: Discuss about the Contemporary Accounting Issues for Legitimation Strategies. Answer: Introduction Development in the field of science and technologies influence the progress of human civilization. It helped in establishing industrial revolution, which is one of the most important events of human history. As the development of human civilization provides greater facilities to the persons, it also has an adverse effect on human civilization; it hampers the ecological balance of the atmosphere by excessive carbon emission as well as other greenhouse gas emission (Bhimani, 2006). Moreover, in this modern age, the issue is becoming an alarming issue, and it increases the concern of the most of the environmentalist of the world. The main reason of the increment of carbon and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is increasing the level of factories and automobiles, which improve the pollution level of the atmosphere so that it become a danger to the society and human civilization (Hassan, Wright and Struthers, 2013). In this context an organization has been formed with the name of Carbon Disclosure Project in the UK, the organization works with its shareholders along with the corporation to disclose the emission of greenhouse gas of the major firms, which is the primary cause of the climate changes and increasing public concern. Practical motivation Climate change is one of the main concerns of the environmentalist, and most of the factories and motor vehicle are the primary cause of the increment of carbon and other greenhouse gas emission in the environment. In this situation, it is necessary to identify the determinants of greenhouse emission and so that voluntary disclosure from the non-GHG registered firms is needed. The issues of climate changes as well as public concern over these particular problems due to climate changes have changed the environmental rules and regulation in recent days (Jones and Ratnatunga, 2012). These alterations focused on the decrement of GHG worldwide by implementing few important strategies such as carbon pricing. The practical motivation for undertaking the project is to recognize the source of voluntary disclosure of the firm about their carbon and greenhouse gas. The greenhouse gas emission is a critical issue of the modern civilization. Due to the incrementing factories and automobiles indus try the presence of the greenhouse gas has been increased in the atmosphere and that increase the concern among the people especially, the environmentalist honestly worried about the matter. In this context the Carbon Disclosure Project' a UK based company initiating to work to reveal the carbon and other greenhouse gas emission level of a company (Kopp, 2008). The practical motivation for working on this particular topic is that there is several research scholars are working on this specific matter, and it increase the interest among the people. Now the question is that these voluntary services provide actual information about the carbon emission of the company, or they provide false information to save the company from legal hazardous. Theoretical motivation The theoretical motivation of the research study is to find out the facets of voluntary disclosure and its role in the economy. The theories are utilized via the literature to provide the explanation about the voluntary disclosure, its determinant as well as the widespread resources of voluntary disclosure (Rankin, 2012). There are several different theories used to describe voluntary disclosure such as agency theories, signaling theory, capital need theory, along with legitimacy theory. The determinants of the voluntary disclosure are part of motivation along with constraint. At last, diverse source of voluntary information revelation is addressed and clarifying the reason of the most preferred information sources are the annual report of the companies. The present voluntary disclosure research can be segregated into three dominant pass financial voluntary disclosure, social voluntary disclosure as well as GHG voluntary disclosure (Sullivan, 2011). To establish itself as a corporate social responsible company, the company has to release the disclosures that provide additional advantages to the company and save from the legal hazardous. Literature review Article 1 With the evolution of carbon regulation and the pressure from the governments over the firms to reduce the rate of carbon emission, the stakeholders are bound to ask the firms to give detailed information about the practices of corporate climate change. This article by M. Eleftheriadis and Evgenia G. Anagnostopoulos has a big contribution in the international research that tries to understand and thereby establish the relation between environmental information disclosures and other additional firm factors (Eleftheriadis and Anagnostopoulou, 2015). To do this, an empirical analysis has been done on the relationship shared between the practices of corporate climate change disclosure of the firms mentioned in the Athens Stock Exchange with that of the different firm factors like that of size, profitability, activity sector, leverage, etc. Article 2 This particular article investigates the impact of carbon tax on the financial market return of the various firms present in Australia. With the different carbon profiles, the researchers have considered the differential tax effect on the individual firms. Factors like that of climate change policies, emission costs, and carbon disclosure have also been taken into account by them (Luo and Tang, 2013). The event study method has been utilized in this case to examine the market reaction to the seven key carbon legislative information events that have taken place within the period of February 2011 to November 2011. Article 3 Global warming is a reason for concern and this reason, the stakeholders all over the world have put agendas on climate change in different firms and also expect the firms to give relevant information about the green house gasses (GHG) (Depoers, Jeanjean and Jrme, 2014). In this article, the researchers have closely investigated the consistency of the information about GHG that has been voluntarily given by the French listed firms. Article 4 The main purpose of this article is to examine the way in which corporate environmental performance influences both the level of detail of the information about environmental issues disclosed by a firm and the type of information that is being revealed by the firm. The researchers have based their study on the content analysis of 533 firms of China (Meng XH, 2016). As per the results, it was found that both the poor performers and good performers disclose more information than the median or mixed performers. This thereby gives concrete empirical evidence to show that a nonlinear relationship exists between the corporate environmental performance of a firm and the information that is being disclosed by it. Soft information is mainly disclosed by poor performers while the good performers tend to disclose more solid information. Article 5 The researchers of this article have examined the roles played by the result and process dimensions of environmental performance to determine the financial performance of a firm or organization that can be measured by Tobin's q. Outcomes are referred to as the impacts that the firm has on the natural environment, and the processes are the steps or actions taken by the firm to reduce the level of the outcomes (Mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de, 2016). The particular outcome on which the researchers have concentrated on this article is that of carbon emission. It has been suggested that the carbon emissions influences or affects Tobin's q in a non-linear manner. It has been observed that the highest financial performance achieved by a firm is not when its carbon performance is very high or very low, but only when it is an intermediate state. Article 6 The main aim or purpose of this particular article is to how the way in which two organizations behaves while disclosing nonfinancial information. The environmental, social and governance issues are getting priority for which this information need to be shared with the stakeholders. Article 7 Corporate responsibility of a firm mainly revolves around climate change and carbon footprints as they are the most important concerns of the society. The main aim of this particular article is to find out whether the different Australian companies have endeavored to adjust their carbon footprint related disclosures. It is needed to be determined whether the disclosure given by the firms tend to be more reflective of symbolism or that of the apparent behavior (Carbon footprints and legitimation strategies: symbolism or action?: Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal: Vol 25, No 1, 2016). This has helped the researchers in understanding whether the disclosures are dominated by the pragmatic or moral legitimation approaches. Author Date Title Journal Type of Paper If empirical, Sample 100 word summary of contribution to the research question Ella Mae Matsumura, Rachna Prakash, Sandra C. Vera-Munoz October 2013 Firm-Value Effects of Carbon Emissions and Carbon Disclosures American Accounting Association Research Paper Hand collected carbon emission data between 2006 to 2008 were used which were by 500 firms. The results showed that market takes a penalty from all the firms due to carbon emission, and a more amount of penalty is levied on those firms that do not disclose information about carbon emission. Janice Lorraine Hollindale June 2012 Voluntary disclosure of GHG emission information by Australian Companies Research Paper 1776 companies have been studied in the year 2007, and 1853 have been examined in 2009. The results show that though the disclosure of voluntary greenhouse gas emission improves the condition and performance of some companies yet this cannot be stated as a generalized statement for all. Elizabeth Stanny 8th May 2012 Voluntary Disclosures of Emissions by US Firms Business Strategy and the Environment. Article Three exposure studies 500 US firms answering the questionnaire, disclosing discharge and also disclosing accounting methodology for emissions from 2006 to 2008. The results show that most of the firms give minimum information to avoid scrutiny. Logical Argument The key argument in the entire undertaken article are basically the global environmental issues created by the corporate by emitting carbon and other green house gases and its impact on the stakeholders and thereby the disagreement raises that the argument is sufficient to investigate the problems faced by the stakeholders. This becomes the logical argumentative issues that consist of inadequate government policies and the Acts. The entire articles, which are presented here to produce a logical argument about the undertaken, subject that whether the government policies and respective Act are enough to control the carbon and green house gas emission or not. Furthermore, it is also evaluate that the disclosure of carbon and green house gas emission by the corporate are followed strictly or not. Is the government rules are enough to enforce the corporate to disclose the accurate measurement of carbon emission and other green house gas emission by the company. The business activities of the company cause to the emission of green house gases and the governments fix the permissible measurement of carbon, other green house gas emission, and the companies are obligated to produce a disclosure about their carbon and other green house gas emission. However, most of the companies try to avoid the Government rule on this matter and provide inappropriate information to the government. Research question Are the government policies and Acts adequate to force the firms to disclose their environmental impacts such as carbon and other greenhouse gasses emission? Underlying theories As per the articles, the theory i.e. covered in the articles is the stakeholders theory which provides the information about the amount of the emissions taking place from the stakeholders point of view. As per the perspectives of the stakeholders theory, it provides the information that the amount of the GHG is seemed to be higher in CDP than CR. These theories are mentioned in all the articles as per their particular perspectives. The theories that are depicted in the above articles also deal with the emission of the green house gases, thereby it provides the information with the improvement in the steps, and thereby the perspectives for providing justification for the theories became successful. With focusing on the article Voluntary disclosure of GHG emission information by Australian Companies, the changes are not seen with bringing changes in the emission system followed by the companies in Australia. Henceforth the underlying theories depicts the reforms of the perspectives wit h considering the stakeholders and henceforth all the articles depicts the stakeholders theory. Variables Dependent Variable The dependent variable is the variable than an individual wish to predict, estimate and what is affected while executing the experiment and things that is affected in the experiment. It is the respond to an independent variable such as the effect of carbon emission on climate changes. Climate change is the dependent variable. The increase in the carbon emission level will affect the environmental balances and leads to climatic changes. The change in the climate is dependent variable as because increase or decrease in the emission level of carbon led to the change in climate. Therefore, depended variable is the one that depends on other factors. Independent Variable Independent variable is the variable that can be changed and one can control the variables. For an example, carbon emission is the independent variable, and increase in pollution level is the dependent variable. The increase or decrease in the carbon emission level lead to the increase or decrease in pollution level within the atmosphere. Emission of carbon level is independent variable which led to increase or decrease in the level of pollution. Therefore, independent variable is the one that does not change by the effect of other variables. Hypothesis The hypothesis of the research is; H1: The volume of carbon emission shows a negative relation with the market value of the equity share of the company. H2: Disclosure of the carbon and other green house gas management practice via the responses to the carbon disclosure practice questionnaire has positive relation with the market value of the equity. H3: There are significant relations between the carbon management disclosures and the market value equity. The value of equity is higher in case of the volume of carbon emission is lower; whereas value of equity is lower on case of the volume of carbon emission is higher. References Bhimani, A. (2006).Contemporary issues in management accounting. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Carbon footprints and legitimation strategies: symbolism or action?: Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal: Vol 25, No 1. (2016). 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Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Truth vs Grimke free essay sample
Grimke and Sojourner Truth, were both very outspoken women, both abolitionists, and, both fighting for equality among men and woman. Although both women had very similar purpose their background was clearly different. Grimke was raised by slaveholders and Sojourner was a free slave. Grimke was an educator and Sojourner had no formal education. Grimke was an American political activist, abolitionist, womens rights advocate, and supporter of the womens suffrage movement. While she was raised a southerner, she spent her entire adult life, by choice, living in the north. She was an active member of the Presbyterian Church. A proponent of biblical study and interfaith education, she taught a Sabbath school class and also provided religious services to her family’s slaves. Grimke became a close friend of the pastor of her church, Rev. William McDowell. McDowell was a northerner who had previously been the pastor of a Presbyterian church in New Jersey. We will write a custom essay sample on Truth vs Grimke or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Grimke and McDowell were both very opposed to the institution of slavery on the grounds that it was a morally deficient system that violated Christian law. An Appeal to the Christian Women of the South (1836) was written in the hopes that Southern women would not be able to resist an appeal made by one of their own. The essay is unique because it is the only written appeal made by a Southern woman to other Southern women regarding the abolition of slavery. Grimke’s Appeal was widely distributed by the American Anti-Slavery Society, and was received with great acclaim by radical abolitionists. However, it was also received with great criticism by her former Quaker community, and was publicly burned in South Carolina. The Appeal makes seven main arguments: First, that slavery is contrary to the Declaration of Independence; second, that slavery is contrary to the first charter of human rights bestowed upon man in the Bible; third, that the argument that slavery was prophesized gives no excuse to slaveholders for encroaching on another man’s natural rights; fourth, that slavery was never supposed to exist under patriarchal dispensation; fifth, that slavery never existed under Hebrew Biblical law; sixth, that slavery in America â€Å"reduces man to a thing†; and lastly, that slavery is contrary to the teachings of Jesus and his apostles. Grimke also states, in a reply letter to Catharine E. Beecher, what she believes to be the abolitionists’ definition of slavery: â€Å"Man cannot rightfully hold his fellow man as property. Therefore, we affirm that every slaveholder is a man-stealer†¦ To steal a man is to rob him of himself. †She reiterates well-known principles from the Declaration of Independence regarding the equality of man. Grimke argues that â€Å"a man is a man, and as a man he has inalienable rights, among which is the right to personal liberty†¦ No circumstances can ever justify a man in holding his fellow man as property†¦ The claim to him as property is an annihilation of his rights to himself, which is the foundation upon which all his other rights are built. †Truth was one of the ten or twelve children born to James and Elizabeth Baumfree. James Baumfree was an African captured from Ghana. Elizabeth Baumfree, was the daughter of enslaved Africans from the Coast of Guinea. The Baumfree families were enslaved by Colonel Hardenbergh. The Hardenbergh estate was in a area called Swartekill in the town of Esopus, New York, 95 miles north of New York City. After the colonels death, ownership of the family slaves passed to his son, Charles Hardenbergh. After the death of Charles Hardenbergh in 1806, Truth, known as Belle, was sold at an auction. She was about nine years old and was included with a flock of sheep for $100 to John Neely, near Kingston, New York. Until she was sold, Truth spoke only Dutch. She suffered many hardships at the hands of Neely, whom she later described as cruel and harsh and who once beat her with a bundle of rods. Truth said Neely beat her daily. Neely sold her in 1808, for $105, to Schryver, a tavern keeper, who owned her for eighteen months. Schryver sold her in 1810, for $175, to John Dumont of West Park, New York. Although this fourth owner was kindly disposed toward her, his wife found numerous ways to harass Truth and make her life more difficult. Around 1815, Truth met and fell in love with a slave named Robert from a neighboring farm. Roberts owner (Catlin) forbade the relationship; he did not want his slave to have children with a slave he did not own, because he would not own the children. Robert was savagely beaten and Truth never saw him again. Later, he died from the injuries. In 1817, Truth was forced by Dumont to marry an older slave named Thomas. She had five children: Diana (1815), fathered by Robert; and Thomas who died shortly after birth; Peter (1821); Elizabeth (1825); and Sophia (ca. 1826), fathered by Thomas.e state of New York began, in 1799, to legislate the abolition of slavery, although the process of emancipating New York slaves was not complete until July 4, 1827. Dumont had promised to grant Truth her freedom a year before the state emancipation, if she would do well and be faithful. However, he changed his mind, claiming a hand injury had made her less productive. She was infuriated but continued working, spinning 100 pounds of wool, to satisfy her sense of obligation to him. Late in 1826, Truth escaped to freedom with her infant daughter, Sophia. She had to leave her other children behind because they were not legally freed in the emancipation order until they had served as bound servants into their twenties She later said: â€Å"I didn’t walk off , for I thought that be wicked I , but I walked off believing that to be alright. †She found her way to the home of Isaac and Maria Van Wagener, who took her and her baby in. Isaac offered to buy her services for the remainder of the year (until the states emancipation took effect), which Dumont accepted for $20. She lived there until the New York State Emancipation Act was approved a year later. On June 1, 1843, Truth changed her name to Sojourner Truth She became a Methodist, and began traveling and preaching about the abolition of slavery. In 1844, she joined the Northampton Association of Education and Industry in Northampton, Massachusetts. Founded by abolitionists, the organization supported womens rights and religious tolerance . In May 1851, Truth delivered her famous speech on womens rights, later known as Aint I a Woman In this piece, Truth starts by saying two of the primary issues of the day: the abolitionist movement in the South and the growing unrest of women in the North. Transitioning to the general treatment of women in the day: white women are treated as fair creatures and receive assistance from men. She states that she does work that would be the equivalent of a man but she does not get the treatment different than man even though she does things that men can’t do, such as giving birth to 13 children. The reason given for women to be treated differently from men is that that Jesus Christ was a man. Truth points out that the only way that Christ came into existence was through a woman. She also mentions that Eve was powerful enough to change the world by eating the apple. If one woman could â€Å"turn the world upside down all alone†than women as a collective should â€Å"be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! †We have woman who not only have a voice but women who me the voice.. We have women judges, lawyer, teachers, and preachers. So as we can see Grimke and Truths struggle was not in vain Men do respect women a lot more these days and we owe all thanks to Sojourner Truth and Angelina Grimke, the women who said there was no stopping until justice was done. not only have a voice but women who me the voice.. We have women judges, lawyer, teachers, and preachers.. So as we can see Grimke and Truths struggle was not in vain Men do respect women a lot more these days and we owe all thanks to Sojourner Truth and Sarah Gdmke, the women who said there was no stopping until justice was done. not only have a voice but women who me the voice.. We have women judges, lawyer, teachers, and preachers.. So as we can see Grimke and Truths struggle was not in vain Men do respect women a lot more these days and we owe all thanks to Sojourner Truth and Sarah Gdmke, the women who said there was no stopping until justice was done.
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